Girl’s Guide to Saving Your Sanity

saving your sanity

Are you at risk of losing your sanity? I recently received an email from a friend who apologized for not contacting me sooner and lamented that life is going by too fast. Have you noticed that too? I know I have. By Friday night I cannot believe it is already the end of the week and my schedule is full for the next week. It isn’t just that I am busy. I am in information overload and struggling to make decisions. I am wondering if I am giving the important people in my life the time they deserve. Most days, I am feeling like my head might explode.

I went on a mission to identify ways to take care of yourself during these busy times. Here are a few ideas on how to save your sanity.

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When I was nine years old, I had a diary. It had Holly Hobbie on the front and a lock so my sisters could not read it. I wrote in it every night, capturing what happened that day at school, who I had a crush on, and what my hopes were. It was my outlet for thoughts, feelings and dreams.


This article is sponsored by Neely Coaching & Training


As an adult, I have discovered that journaling still allows me to get stuff out of my head so I can make sense of it. It helps me to express how I’m really feeling, highlight what I’m grateful for, and helps me tap into my creativity. It keeps me sane.

Find a Sister Circle

Sisters are fierce advocates and builders of other women. You don’t have to actually have sisters to experience the benefits of sisterhood. I have friends I consider sisters. I have a women’s mentoring circle that offers support. These are my sister circles. They are my safe space, my truth tellers, and my cheerleaders. They always have my back.

Have you spent time with your sister circle recently? A recent study by a group of researchers from the University of Oxford stated that to improve health and general well-being, women should meet up with their girlfriends twice a week. Whether it’s your group of girlfriends you have known since high school or a new group of ladies you have just met, opportunities to socialize and laugh reap huge benefits. And when you feel happier, you can be the best you while regaining your sanity.


I once took a breathing class…and I almost got kicked out. I’m not sure what I expected, but the more the instructor told us to breathe, the harder my friend and I laughed in the back of the room. So, I get it if you rolled your eyes when you saw this suggestion. What I have realized as I have gotten older is the power of breathing. Recently I have been waking up early in the morning. How do I get back to sleep? Breathing. How do I clear my head and re-energize? Breathing. How do I ease anxiety? Breathing. When was the last time you stopped and just took a breath?

Hire a Coach

Sometimes you need a judgment-free zone where someone really listens to you and their only intention is to help you get unstuck and move forward. That is what a coach can do for you.

Have you ever been talking to someone about a situation where you felt that an injustice was served against you? You are 100% sure that you have been wronged and you are not happy about it. Then the other person shocks you by asking, “could you see it this way” and proceeds to give you a completely different interpretation of the situation. That is what a coach can do for you. They can help you to see different perspectives.
Do you find that the dialogue you are having with yourself in your head is often demeaning and discouraging? You would not let others talk to you like that. 70% of self-talk is negative. A coach can support you with increasing your awareness and learning how to reframe your thoughts.
Are you struggling with being the leader that you want to be at work, at home or in your community? A coach can help you be your best self in all arenas of your life.
Here is the good news. Although it may not always feel like it, you are in control of your life. There are things you can do and people available to support you in maintaining your sanity. As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Debby Neely is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation who specializes in leadership coaching and facilitation. Her business, Neely Coaching & Training, supports both formal and informal leaders in realizing their potential and in getting results. Their mission is to help you be the best you can be.

Kim Dow Sass Magazine

Kim is the owner and publisher of Sass Magazine, as well as the owner of Sass Studios, a boutique graphic design studio in Frederick, MD. When not in the office, Kim can be found doing some of her favorite hobbies—reading a book, dancing, traveling, or playing with her rescued pitbull.

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