Tap Into the Marketing Seasons for Your Business

marketing stages of your business

Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, we all know the seasons of this beautiful place we call earth, but what about the seasons of your business? While we as humans cycle through the four seasons, our companies cycle through them as well. And to build a successful business; we need to be in tune with them and learn how to run our business accordingly. 

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An example would be retail stores – for most stores, they can be relatively consistent in sales until the winter season. Sales and traffic can shoot up once we reach November and December due to the holidays alone. Another example is for coaches. As a coach, you’ll gain more clients in the spring versus the winter. Your prospective clients tend to have more energy in the New Year than when they may be in vacation mode at the end of the year. 

This rings true for all businesses. Businesses have a natural flow, and understanding your seasons can help you create a thorough, intentional marketing plan. Although each business season has its benefits and drawbacks, you can develop a strategy to prepare you for those challenges and take advantage of possible opportunities by learning about each season. 

Now, traditionally, the seasons in business have the same meaning: 

  • Spring is about possibility and potential
  • Summer is about beauty and growth 
  • Fall is about the harvest where everything is working and flowing
  • Winter is typically quiet and slow 

But each business is unique, so knowing how your business works in each season is what matters. There are two main ways to figure out the flow of your business throughout the seasons: 

  • Native Knowledge 
  • Analytics 

Native Knowledge

As business owners, we know our business. We have a good idea of what months are busier versus slower. We know when we typically run sales or launch products.

However, if you’re a numbers person, like me, and want to be accurate when identifying the seasons of your business, I’ll always recommend looking at your analytics. 


You’ll visually understand your busier seasons vs. slower ones by checking your analytics and SEO. For example, as a product-based company you’ll be able to see that the holidays are active, but maybe you didn’t realize that Valentine’s day is also a busy time for your business. 

Why Should You Care About Business Seasons? 

There are many benefits to identifying your seasons – most importantly, you can use the seasons and create a marketing plan that takes these seasonal changes into account. By understanding the ebbs and flows of your business, you can pre-plan product launches, sales, or marketing campaigns with goals attached. You can also automate pieces of your marketing to streamline your business or schedule time off! 

Instead of fighting against the seasons of your business, work with them and make them work for you. Understanding that each company has different seasons, understanding your business season, and taking the necessary steps to better your business based on what you learn can open up your time and many possibilities. 

Celia Coughlin-Surridge
Celia Coughlin-Surridge
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Celia is a Marketing Alchemist who helps women entrepreneurs develop online strategies that are sustainable to maintain. Assisting clients nationally, Celia wants those she works with to feel nurtured, warm, and uplifted.

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