Woman to Watch :: Rachael Lou Phillips

Rachael Lou Phillips

Rachael Lou Phillips is a heart-centered guide for driven women looking to live in alignment and embody confidence, passion, and their unique inner power. She is a mom of 3, a breast cancer warrior, a military brat and a high vibe junky who believes life is constantly giving us opportunities to grow, shift and create our dream life.

Racheal tells us her story of major change, how she navigated through new life experiences, and the moment she got the call “you’ve got cancer” when everything changed in her reality.

Read more stories like Rachael’s in The Shift Issue.

What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome?

Overcoming breast cancer in the middle of a pandemic with 3 small kids, ages 7, 5 and 3 at the time, with grace, love and a mindset for growth. Doing this, being true to myself and healing, all while protecting my kiddos from feeling this all too much was a huge challenge.

What has helped you cope with change?

To be honest, I feel that my journey of growth and investing in myself long before I had breast cancer was almost like the “training” phase preparing me to handle this news. I am truly grateful to the universe and in general for how supported and prepared I was. It came down to my energy, my mindset and my internal beliefs. The day I got the news “you have breast cancer” I had a choice. Either fall into that category or use it to take me farther. My coach at the time guided me to simply speak the words “I am currently overcoming” breast cancer. And that is how I showed up. My energy was felt and my words were heard. I didn’t allow myself to be seen as a cancer patient, not even by the nurses and doctors. Instead, they saw and felt a woman who was handed an unbelievable opportunity for growth.

What are you most proud of?

Most would think it might be overcoming breast cancer, in the middle of a pandemic with 3 young children. But to me, I am most proud of the woman I have become because of my breast cancer. Finding the opportunity in my breast cancer journey. This is what took true strength and it was so much more emotional and mental than it was physical, not that my body didn’t do a ton.

To now be on the other side of this journey and fully embodying the woman I’ve always desired to be, Being who I am in this moment, is what I am most proud of. I truly wouldn’t change anything in my life’s story because of it.

What advice would you give to other women going through something similar?

– Feel your feelings. Your emotions give you access to what you desire and in that clarity for your next actions. Feeling doesn’t make you weak, it is part of your strength. Your power.

– Allow yourself to be human. To be true to yourself. And in doing so, do not allow yourself to fall into any category or box. You and your story are uniquely brilliant. As much as we want to be seen and validated….staying in the power of our mindset and energy often means being unique and going against the crowd.

– You get to receive. We are too often always giving, but you don’t need to do your journey alone. Reach out for support. Talk with friends. Hire a coach. Growth gets to happen so much faster and is a lot more fun when you are open to receiving support. Your biggest block is often inside your own self.

Rachael Lou Phillips Women to Watch story
Rachael Lou Phillips

You inspire us, but what are YOU inspired by?

Simply watching the people around me. Just how amazing humans can be. The potential in us all. When I see kindness in people or simply the exchange of smiles, it makes my heart so happy to see that love gets to be stronger than fear. I’ve chosen to live a life of love over fear. I get inspired when I see it happening around me.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

I’m happy to chat with anyone looking to get more details, has any questions, is looking to gain clarity or simply wants to be inspired. I offer 30 min complimentary power activation calls. This is my passion. I’m here for the woman looking to embody her dream life.

Find Rachael Lou Phillips on Instagram and online.

Read more amazing stories of Women facing change in The Shift Issue.

Katy Cawley
Katy Cawley
Brand Manager & Events Coordinator | Website |  Related Posts

Katy is an entrepreneur, a social media know it all, and a lover of all the vintage things. She started Katy's Flower Wagon in 2020, having recently sold that business to pursue other creative endeavors. She has been working with Sass Magazine as well as local businesses as a social media manager. You can catch her around town snapping pictures, collaborating with local businesses, and working on all things Sass!

Fun facts -
1. She went to University of Maryland
2. She has a dog sidekick named Stitch
3. She shares a birthday with Julie Andrew's
4. You should follower her @adventuresinkatyland

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