Is a Chemical Peel Right for You?

Benefits of getting a chemical peel

Chemical peels are one of the most innovative skin treatments on the market, and they are an excellent alternative to invasive surgery. They help to revitalize the skin and can treat stubborn problem areas. But there are several varieties of peels, so let’s figure out which one is right for your individual skin situation.

Light Chemical Peel

Light peels are a good place to start if you’re uncertain about using chemical applications. Not only will a light peel treat your blemishes, but it will familiarize you with the process and result in minimal recovery time (about one week). This is the go-to option for many and you will find that it is highly effective in the long run.

You may need multiple treatments to achieve your desired result, but you will see a noticeable difference in reducing minor blemishes and other skin problems. Light chemical peels are the way to go if you’re experiencing only minor signs of aging or perhaps have some stubborn scars that need addressing. These are also the cheaper option to consider if you’re on a budget.

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Medium Chemical Peel

The medium chemical peel takes a middle-ground approach to addressing general skin abnormalities. Trichloroacetic Acid is the specific chemical we are dealing with here, and it’s highly effective for acne scarring, wrinkles, deep lines, and much more.

A medium peel effectively removes the outer layer of the epidermis, then as you heal your skin ends up smoother. The deeper penetration of the medium chemical peel allows for the treatment of advanced signs of aging. The recovery time for one of these peels is up to two weeks.

Deep Chemical Peel

This is by far the most aggressive approach to chemical peeling, but some severe situations will call for it. Deep peels can help remedy severe discoloration in the skin or noticeable scarring. Laser treatment is often considered before a deep chemical peel, partially because of the long recovery time – up to four weeks.

At around 50% Trichloroacetic Acid, a deep peel obviously has the deepest skin penetration – but it’s not for the faint of heart. Not only can the process be uncomfortable, it can also be quite expensive.

Choose What’s Best for You

All of these chemical peels are viable options for helping to revitalize your skin and give you a fresh new appearance. They target even the most daunting challenges like acne, wrinkles, and scarring. Be sure to consult a professional and assess what’s best for your exact skin situation. Skin problems are a part of life, but there are some impressive solutions at your disposal to help you put your best face forward.

Kim Dow Sass Magazine
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Kim is the owner and publisher of Sass Magazine, as well as the owner of Sass Studios, a boutique graphic design studio in Frederick, MD. When not in the office, Kim can be found doing some of her favorite hobbies—reading a book, dancing, traveling, or playing with her rescued pitbull.

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