5 Summer Hats for Women Headed on Vacay

Shoes, check. Bathing suit, check. Stylish sunglasses, check. When you’ve accounted for everything else, don’t [...]

5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

This is a not some SAD story about Seasonal Affective Disorder. The purpose of this [...]

Spring :: The Perfect Season To Start Running!

If you’ve been thinking about trying to run, spring β€” the season of new beginnings, [...]

Backpacking 101: Tips For Your First Backpacking Trip

Have you always traveled with a rolling suitcase, a giant carry-on, and a packed personal [...]

Just Talk To Me! Getting Your Significant Other to Open Up

Being open and honest with one another is important for any relationship. Sometimes it can [...]

The Reiki Way: Find Out Who You Are On Purpose

I started my journey with Reiki years ago. Since I was feeling the stress and [...]

Seasonal Living For Glowing Summer Skin

Hello, summer! It’s time to glow and show our natural beauty. Ladies, did you know [...]