Try One of These Breathing Exercises to Help Relieve Stress

Relieve Stress through breathing exercise

A long time ago, someone once told me (probably my mother) “Don’t forget to breathe” When I was going through a mid-life crisis at the wonderful age of 30 and like most of us, little did I know that it’s not just a saying it’s actually a practice that we ought to embrace more, I’m talking about Breathwork. 

This is nothing new to yogis and those from Eastern parts of the globe, but it is really starting to pick up here in the States. For starters, Breathwork, also known as Pranayamic breathing or intentional breath control has been practiced and has been a facet of yoga since its origins over 2000 years ago. 


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The Benefits of Breathwork

Studies show that Breathwork is not only a physical benefit but also mental and spiritual and can help with a variety of conditions such as stress, anxiety, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anger, agitation, grief, general mood management performance (such as athletics or public speaking), mental clarity, focus, concentration, and even chronic pain.

But what other benefits does Breathwork offer? “The unconscious mind governs our autonomic nervous system. Unlike the heartbeat or digestion rate, breathing is a mechanism over which we have voluntary control.” explains Karina Tauber Gorodkin, Mindfulness Program Manager at WORLD SPA. “This means that through breathing, we can influence our unconscious mind. Breathwork serves as an umbrella term for various breathing techniques, offering numerous benefits when practiced regularly.”

Try One of These Breathing Exercises to Help Relieve Stress


Are there different breathing exercises to relieve stress? How does it work? 

“Controlled deep breathing techniques are an excellent method for returning to the present moment, swiftly recalibrating yourself to a more neutral and re-centered state, and calming your nervous system” says Gorodkin. Different exercises include:

  • yogic breathing,
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing,
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing,
  • Pursed Lip Breathing,
  • 4-7-8 Breathing, Five-Finger Breathing,
  • Buteyko Breathing Technique
  • and many more.  

“While there are numerous exercises available, one that I particularly favor is Box Breathing.” shares Gorodkin. “It involves inhaling for a count of 4, holding your breath for a count of 4, exhaling for a count of 4, and then holding again for a count of 4. Engaging in 3 to 5 sets of this breathing exercise, with an audible sigh during the final exhale of the last set, can be especially beneficial.”

So if you’re ready to be the best version of yourself, don’t forget to breathe.


Ashley-Victoria Smith
Ashley-Victoria Smith

Serial entrepreneur, celebrity publicist, published author, swimwear designer, and creative director. Currently resides in the Queen City with her two rescue fur babies indulging in coffee, a good book, and Marvel movies.

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