Tips to Get Through the Back to School Transition

going back to school

It’s almost that time again- time to send the kiddos back to school! Whether your kids are just starting out in the school system or nearing the end of their education days, the back to school transition can be a difficult shift to get used to. From rearranging your schedule to being away from your children for longer stretches of time, sending your kids back to school can yield some negative emotions as a parent. Don’t worry- this is completely normal. With any change, especially those that have to do with children, some adjusting and grace are necessary. Here are a few tips to help you through this back to school transition:

Give Yourself Grace

No matter how many years you’ve been getting ready for back-to-school, there are bound to be hiccups along the way. Don’t beat yourself up for them! Know that you’re trying your hardest to be the best you can for you and your family. Because at the end of the day, that’s all you can ask of yourself.

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Communicate With Your Kids

Communication is key– with the back to school transition or really in a transitionary period! Be sure you’re communicating your needs in a way that elicits a positive response from your kids as often as possible. Also, keep in mind that communication is a two way street! Make sure your kids know that they can come to you with whatever they need, whether it’s another binder for class or advice on handling bullies.

Take a Moment to Reflect on Your New Routine

Taking a moment to reflect can be revolutionary to your transition! By taking a moment to truly think about how your day to day life has changed, you can evaluate what’s working and what’s not. From there, you can make a plan to improve your current situation. These changes can lead to the process becoming easier and easier in a shorter amount of time. So, if you’re looking to perfect this year’s back-to-school process ASAP, I definitely recommend taking as much time to reflect as you need!

Don’t Forget to Incorporate Some Fun!

They are kids after all (no matter how old they are)! Find a way to have fun in your new routine that fits your family. Here are a couple of ideas to test out when you start the back to school transition:

  • Have a morning dance party to wake up
  • Pick a day of the week to make a fun breakfast
  • Pack fun and motivational notes in your children’s lunches
  • Race back home from the bus stop
  • Blast a high-energy tune after picking your child up from the pick-up line
  • Play games on the way to and from school

This time every year is certainly a big transition for parents and children alike. Above all, remember: all you can do is try your best. I hope these tips help make your transition to school life easier. No matter what, you’re going to be amazing!

Kimberly Morse
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Kimberly Morse is a budding life & wellness coach! Her passion is to help others live a more-well life, which has led to the creation of Wellness Weekly, her wellness community that is fueled by a desire to make others feel loved, supported, and inspired to continue achieving all their dreams.
When she’s not working on her business, Kimberly can be found soaking up the sun, growing her mind through reading, or working on her body through intentional movement.

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