One Word to Start The New Year with Intention

With Just One Word for the new year

Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution and then a month or two later wondered why you bothered? Then you feel terrible about your lack of progress, and maybe even turn to worse behavior that sabotages your goals? Been there, done that.

According to author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins, 80% of New Year’s Resolutions are failing by February. Studies have found that making a New Year’s resolution adds pressure and doesn’t really prepare you for overcoming fears and roadblocks.

What’s another solution? I have realized that choosing one word as a compass for my year feels more doable, keeps me fixed on possibilities, and honestly is just more fun.


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Why choose a word?

I often suggest to my clients that they identify a word or phrase that helps them focus on what they want to change, maintain, or achieve. Doing this at the beginning of the year especially can provide the motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward and to ensure decisions are aligned with what they feel are most important and what they genuinely want.

Goal setting with habits this year


How to choose your word

It’s personal. There is no one way to choose your word. For example, I have had
experiences where the word came to me, and I knew it was the right one for me for that year. Other times, I’ve mulled a few words over before deciding. In fact, one time I identified my word only to feel the nudge to change it into the first week of the new year. It’s all good! Here are some suggestions of what’s worked for me:

Reflect –

The process of determining what my word will be requires that I not only reflect on the past year, but I also consider what I want for the year ahead. I grab a cup of tea, a comfortable blanket, and ask myself these questions:

  • What do you want to be different by the end of the year?
  • When people think about you, what qualities would you like them to associate with you?
  • What are your “always” values? And…are you in alignment? Where can you amp up?
  • How do you want to feel throughout the year?
  • Jot down words that are popping into your head and start from there.

Audition some words –

I usually have a few words that I will “try out” for a day or two. What am I paying attention to? Typically, I will notice which one evokes an emotion, supports my reflections, feels like me, and gives me energy.

This year my discovery process started with noticing a quote – “It can take anywhere from 3-10 years before an olive tree bears fruit, but the olive tree’s slow growth is what makes it strong and sturdy.” That resonated with me. I have been in an intentional state of growth for the past five years personally and professionally and feel stronger and sturdier each year. And I’m not done yet.

I wanted to dig deeper into that idea which, for me, meant exploring all the different meanings of the word. It’s not typically one layer of meaning, it’s multiple. It’s the limitless possibilities of where this next year will take me. My word was defined as:

  • To grow and develop in a healthy and vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment (sounds good)
  • To reach a height of development or influence (okay)
  • To make bold and sweeping gestures (kind of like it)
  • To live a good, fulfilling life with a sense of purpose (love it)
  • To have the ability to do what you want to do and be who you want to be (sold!)

Decide on your word –

Once I start to lean in on a word, I trust my gut and notice what is pulling at my heart. I often feel an anticipatory flash of excitement. Then there is the Baader-Meinhf Phenomenon at work. Have you ever been thinking about buying a particular car and then you begin noticing it seemingly everywhere? That is what tends to happen to me with my word. It keeps showing up. It may not always be the word itself but the meaning or feeling of the word.

For instance, sitting in the movie Wicked and listening to the lyrics of one of the songs:

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It’s time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap

That sounds like my word! Or in a post I ran across by Etheric Echoes:

Embrace joy with every fiber of your being! Life won’t suddenly become a smooth, easy ride. It’s a complex journey, full of twists and turns. So why wait for perfect conditions? Find happiness in this very moment, messy and imperfect as it may be. Time is fleeting, and each day that passes is one you can’t reclaim. Learn to dance in the rain, to laugh in the face of challenges, to find beauty in the chaos. Your joy is a choice, a rebellion against life’s hardships. Make that choice now, loudly, and boldly, arms wide open to embrace whatever comes your way. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to live fully and joyfully even when you’re in the eye of it.

That’s the gist of my word! The signs were confirming my choice.

Choosing your word for the new year


Keep your word alive

What I have learned over the years is that your word needs to mean something to you – not anyone else. Others may even have chosen the same word, but it may have a different meaning or purpose for them. Embrace your word. It was meant for you.

Put it somewhere you will see it –

get a mug with your word on it, set a reminder for it to pop up on your phone, make it your background on your computer, or simply write it on a post it note and put it on your mirror.

Share it with others –

one year my friends and I met for lunch and shared our words with each other and then sent notes of encouragement throughout the year. Another year my family each picked a word, we shared them at a family dinner and then had bracelets made with our words on them. Speaking your word aloud and sharing why you chose it is a power move for success.

Have fun with it –

create a vision board and add quotes and visuals that bring your word to life, one friend created a song playlist that related to my word and sent it to me, another year I created a list of what felt like celebrating to me and when I would make progress on bringing my word to life, I chose an item off the list to do.

Check in –

whether it’s a monthly self-reflection or a quarterly touch base with others, set an intention with actions to keep your word a guiding force. Keep a journal. Be prepared – the words we choose can often morph meaning.


My word for next year is FLOURISH. What’s your word?

As this year ends, I wish you joy and fulfillment. I wish you quiet moments and raucous fun. I wish you courage to be your best self and compassion for others. Because with just one word, you can change everything.

Debby Neely
Debby Neely
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Debby Neely is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation who specializes in leadership coaching and facilitation. Her business, Neely Coaching & Training, supports both formal and informal leaders in realizing their potential and in getting results. Their mission is to help you be the best you can be.

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