Hopecore: The Power of Staying Positive in Every Situation

Hope. The belief in the potential for something positive to happen. I considered this as individuals affected by the California wildfire being interviewed on my TV. I listened to statements like, “I don’t know how we are going to get through it, but we will” and “our town is gone, but our community is not.” Clearly, that’s hope in action—what I like to call hopecore.

On the other end of the spectrum, what sparks a stadium to erupt in excitement, sending players rushing from the sideline to the field in pure joy? The reaction to watching the Baltimore Raven’s 355-pound nose tackle snatch his first interception of his eight-year career. What made this remarkable? Nose tackles are typically strong players who push the offensive line back and create space for other defenders to make plays, not themselves. In fact, after overcoming years of significant injuries and sharing his struggles with self-doubt, Michael Pierce leaned into mentoring younger players and displayed a renewed sense of joy for the game of football. And then that play happened. That moment exemplified hope—a defining moment of hopecore in sports.

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Every day, we have the choice to engage with hope. Furthermore, we can trust ourselves to make good choices for a better future, approach each day filled with possibility, and allow empowerment to be the driver of our energy. But what makes hope different from other emotions like optimism? According to The Harvard Business Review article, The Strategic Power of Hope, hope isn’t just about imagining positive outcomes. Instead, it also involves willpower (a desire to bring about hoped for outcomes) and waypower (the charting of a clear path to achieve them).

Why should we hope?

Take for example, Richard Cohen, a veteran journalist diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of twenty five. Doctors told him a there was essentially no hope. Can you imagine? Despite that, hopeless was not how Richard showed up each day. He lived with that diagnosis for more than fifty years and, upon his passing, the consensus was “a life well-lived.” 

We’re you aware hope has a direct impact on our overall mental and physical well-being? In fact, it is a positive mindset that helps us navigate difficult situations more effectively. Furthermore, It reduces stress levels, gives us ways to cope, boosts our immunity, and builds resilience, even when facing challenges. Moreover, it encourages healthier lifestyle choices.

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How do you keep hope alive?

The good news is that being hopeful is a skill that can be learned. Gabby Bernstein, a New York Times best-selling author and motivational speaker, compares hope and positivity to building a muscle. Just like any muscle, you can strengthen it over time with consistent effort. So, what’s your hope workout?

keeping hope alive

Shine Your Light

Hope is a North Star, guiding us through difficult times and reminding us that things will improve while moving us to act on what we can control.

  • Did you know that each negative word in a headline increases the likelihood of people clicking on it by two percent? How often do you find yourself spending too much time consuming negative news or other content online that makes you feel sad, anxious, or angry? Fortunately, you can find hope! New trends are taking over like Hopecore. It describes a new genre of content on TikTok dedicated to spreading messages of optimism, encouragement, and self-belief. It encourages people to focus on the good about life. Several years ago, I committed to putting more positivity in the world with a daily Facebook post. It was my way of shining my light in a world that can wear us down and seems to constantly be running a highlight reel of negativity, criticism, and pessimism. You can be part of the hopecore movement on any social media outlet by choosing videos, quotes, and messages that are uplifting and encouraging. 
  • People often describe encouragement as “verbal sunshine.” So, what’s stopping you from encouraging others? When you see something positive in someone, speak up! Let people know you appreciate them. Express your love and admiration—it can make all the difference.
  • For instance, A friend of mine recently shared that she was wearing her “love filter.” “Listening with a loving filter” means to actively try to interpret what someone is saying through the lens of empathy, compassion, and positive intent. Let’s all put on our love filters!
  • You might find that the act of helping others triggers the release of feel-good hormones in your brain. This boost to your mood naturally happens and counteracts stress and negative emotions. As a result, you may find yourself feeling more optimistic and energized. Ultimately, you’ll discover that being a source of hope for others becomes a source of hope for you.

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Be Your Own Hopecore Champion

The people you surround yourself with, the places you frequent, and the things you actively engage with can significantly impact who you are and your outlook on life. 

  • First, surround yourself with supportive, inspiring people who challenge you to grow. Build your inner circle with close friends, family, work colleagues, and community groups that uplift you.
  • Additionally, create an environment that encourages you to be at your best. Your environment includes your home, favorite hobbies and activities, and the books, tv shows, and podcasts you watch or listen to.
  • Furthermore, set boundaries to protect your energy. Take a digital detox when needed, snooze friends whose posts stir up negative emotions, and confidently say no to things you don’t want to do.
  • In addition, music has the power to lift your spirits and change your mood. Dance around the kitchen, sing out loud, turn it up! As a result, you’ll find yourself energized and in a more positive mindset.

Spark Joy, Peace, and Safety

It hit me one afternoon the peace I felt as I was making a cup of bourbon chestnut tea that I had recently purchased on a trip with my sisters, the joy as I watched my dog leap and twirl when he found a treat on the floor, and the positive energy as a friend and I caught up on our way to meet other friends for a weekend brunch. In that moment, I realized this is what it feels like to experience glimmers. These small, yet profound experiences embody hopecore—a way of finding beauty and resilience in life’s quiet, tender instants, keeping us grounded in optimism and grace.

Specifically, glimmers are the micro moments in your day that make you feel joy, happiness, peace, or gratitude. They can spark tranquility, safety, and connection. They produce the feeling that the world is okay, even for a moment. Glimmers give you hope, permission to unwind, and the feeling of being present and grounded. They feel like home. 

Therefore, Pay attention to those times where you feel calm, you laugh, you feel like yourself. Above all, appreciate the glimmers in your life. Make room for them and be open to identifying more.

Own Your Hopecore Power

Are you a stinkin’ thinker? When I was a little girl, this was a common theme in our household. Negativity and complaining was answered with a reminder of the ‘no stinking thinking’ rule. However, that’s harder than it seems! Our brains are designed to focus on our survival. To keep us safe and out of danger, not to keep us happy or positive. In fact, according to various sources, The average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day, and 70% to 80% of those are negative. As a result, the more attention and energy we give to negativity, the more it becomes the norm. So, how can you take your power back?

  • First, be mindful of negative thought patterns which can include overgeneralization, catastrophizing, labeling, personalization, and “should” statements. Pause and change it up.
  • Next, remind yourself of how you successfully handled situations in the past and how you bounced back. 
  • Additionally, actively challenge your thoughts – what is true? What else could be an explanation for what is happening? What might be gained versus what will I lose?
  • Consider what you’d tell a friend having the same thought.
  • Practice gratitude – Take a few moments each day to reflect on the positive aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem. 

Choose You Too

While you are focused on uplifting others, don’t forget to choose yourself too. A wellness tip from mental wellness advocate and author Yasmine Cheyenne is to periodically reflect on how you chose yourself recently. She equated it to writing a thank you note to yourself. Since I want to get better at this, I am also asking myself – how will I choose myself over the next quarter to put intention to action for greater success. 

Believe in Yourself

There will be naysayers when you are truly making a difference and influencing change. I sometimes encounter judgments citing giving false hope or not being realistic when spreading hope and positivity. Hope is not ignoring your emotions. There is a difference between feeling your feelings and moving forward as opposed to staying stuck. Hope gives us the power to cultivate our own well-being and happiness. 

Hope is an active choice. Be courageous. Take a breath and take a step. Choose hope!

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Debby Neely is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation who specializes in leadership coaching and facilitation. Her business, Neely Coaching & Training, supports both formal and informal leaders in realizing their potential and in getting results. Their mission is to help you be the best you can be.

Debby Neely
Debby Neely
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Debby Neely is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation who specializes in leadership coaching and facilitation. Her business, Neely Coaching & Training, supports both formal and informal leaders in realizing their potential and in getting results. Their mission is to help you be the best you can be.

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