Edible Face Masks : Give Your Skin a Treat (Literally)!


The next time you open the fridge or pantry forget about eating and instead grab materials to whip up a custom face mask! Many of those fancy face masks at the store come with a long list of unrecognizable ingredients. It makes us wonder — what, exactly are we putting on our faces? If you, too, are worried about harsh chemicals, read on for some simple, edible face mask recipes.

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Avocado & Cucumber Mask


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cucumber


Mash up avocado, blend cucumber, and mix the two ingredients together. Apply to a clean face. Leave mask on for 10 minutes.


  • This recipe was easy to make. The main issue was blending the cucumbers. Since I only put a little bit of cucumber in my blender, a lot of it got stuck on the sides or under the blades. Instead, try to finely chop the cucumber, combine it with the avocado, and then drop the mixture into your blender.
  • This mask felt great on my face. There was no stinging or discomfort. Since my ingredients were in the fridge, this face mask was cold, which was nice. My skin felt dewy and refreshed afterward.

Honey, Lemon & Tomato Mask


  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp tomato pulp
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon


Mix all ingredients. Apply to a clean face and leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


  • I was able to easily make this edible face mask in about two minutes. I mashed the tomato into a pulp and combined the ingredients. No blender was required.
  • While on my face, this mask did sting a little bit. Apply carefully around your eyes, I accidentally got some in mine and it stung. Afterwards, my face felt nice and smooth.

Almond & Olive Oil Mask


  • 1/4 cup ground almonds
  • 2 tbsp olive oil


Mix ingredients together and apply to a clean face. Leave mask on for 10 minutes and massage into skin periodically.


  • This recipe was super easy and smelled delicious! Make sure to chop/grind the almond to a near powder so it mixes well with the olive oil.
  • I was worried this edible face mask would make my skin oily, because it felt a little greasy on my face. Luckily, I was wrong. My face felt super moisturized and looked bright and glowy.
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Sugar, Lemon, and Olive Oil Mask


  • Juice from one lemon
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


Mix ingredients thoroughly and apply to the face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


  • This recipe was the easiest to make. I only used a knife to cut the lemon and a measuring spoon.
  • The ingredients separate quickly, so I recommend scooping from the bottom of the container when applying the edible face mask. While on my face, this mask felt refreshing and smelled great! My skin felt very smooth and looked bright afterward.

Oatmeal, Egg & Lemon Juice Mask


  • 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal (chilled)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


Mix ingredients and apply to the face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


  • This face mask took the longest to make because I had to chill the oatmeal. Other than that, it was super simple, and all the ingredients combined nicely.
  • Taking the time to chill the oatmeal is totally worth it — my face felt amazing while wearing this edible face mask. As expected, the mask began to dry on my face after a few minutes. afterwards my skin felt very soothed and refreshed.
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I had fun trying all of these edible face masks, but my favorite was the olive oil and almond recipe. Plus, I’ve actually noticed an improvement in my skin! It’s best to apply and remove any of these face masks over a kitchen sink, as they can be messy, and food particles easily clog bathroom sinks. While we don’t actually recommend eating any of these face masks, we hope you’re inspired to try some at home — maybe you’ll even make a recipe of your own!

Paige Trendell
Paige Trendell
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Paige Trendell is a high school intern at Sass Magazine. You can find her appreciating nature, crocheting, or reading a book. She hopes to go to college, major in journalism, and maybe even make it to the Washington Post!

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